
Swami Chetanananda Maharaj has nothing new to offer to the disciples other than what has been very admirably said and passed on by his preceding M
Swami Chetanananda Saraswati, in his turn, confirmed, like many of his predecessors, that love for the merciful Master attracts the disciple to hi
An important method of meditation, which he emphasised and taught to his disciples, was Ajapa or rhythmic mental repetition of the Mantra (Word) o
Swami Vishuddhananda Saraswati Maharaj had assumed popularity as a spiritually powerful Sadguru among his disciples in West Bengal, Orissa, Andhra
Sri Sri Thakur was greatly tolerant towards the various prevalent spiritual doctrines or philosophies, both Indian and foreign, and considered tha
Unlike some other saints who recognised and preached a diversity of equally valid doctrines for self / God realisation and as many valid paths to
Because the monistic theory of self realisation requires expanding the individual self to the status of the supreme universal self, according to S
According to Sri Sri Thakur, the disciple should take his Guru (a Sadguru, of course) to be the Jagadguru (or the World Master, the Purushottama)
Sri Sri Thakur never admitted that he was God-incarnate or an "Avatar" although many of his disciples fancied to identify him as one. He
Normally Caterpillar is nothing but the larva of a butterfly or moth. It has a segmented body resembling a worm with three pairs of true legs and
The first aphorism of Brahma Sutra is Athato Brahma Jijnasa where Athato means after this, Brahma means th
Brahma is nothing but the ultimate reality who is all pervading.Darubrahma is no other than our beloved Lord Jagannath and Gurubrahma is the realised